
اختبارات إنجليزية 4 متوسط

Level: 04AM
First Term English Examination

              Pablo Picasso is a Spanish painter. He was born in 1881 in Malaga, Spain. 
 His early pictures showed the poverty he saw around him in Barcelona .
       Later, he moved to Paris where he worked with Georges Praque on pictures
 showing figures of geometric shapes. Picasso died in the South of France in 1973 
leaving several and famous works exhibited in the Louvre Museum in Paris .
 Section One: Reading Comprehension ( 07 Pts)
A)    Read the text carefully then answer these questions : ( 3 pts )
1-      How many paragraphs are there in the text ?
2-      Who is Pablo Picasso ?
3-      Is he Spanish or French?
B)    Write '' true '' or '' false '' and correct the wrong one : (2 pts )
                    - Picasso worked with Georges Praque . 
                    - He died in 1881 . 
                        - 1973 is his date of death.
                        - He never lived in France.
       C) Lexis : ( 2 pts )
            a) Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to  : ( 01 Pt)
                   - many =                                                        - next =
            b) Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to  : ( 01 Pt)
                   - died                                                           - north
Section Two : Mastery of language ( 7 pts
 Give the correct form  of the adjectives between brackets : ( 02 Pts)
- Picasso is ( famous ) .............................................. Georges Praque.
- Picasso painted ( nice )........................................................pictures in France .
      B) Match '' A '' with '' B '' : ( 03 Pts)
                              A                                                                                      B   
           - May I open the window , sir ?                                       - giving a permission .
           - May God help you .                                                       - expressing a wish .
           - Yes , you may .                                                              -asking for a permission .
C)    Complete the phonetic transcription with the sounds : / d /  or  / id / ( 02 Pts)

/ peint............ /
/ liv….. ……./

                Part Two : Integration phase ( Written Expression ) ( 6 pts )

      ·        Write a short paragraph ( 4 to 6 lines ) speaking about yourself.
         ( your own biography )


First Term English Examination .

In England, people eat a big breakfast. They have ham and eggs, fish or fried bacon
, bread  with butter, jam or marmalade. They drink tea or coffee with milk .
People work from 8:30 or 9:00 till 13:00. They do not go home for lunch.
 They lunch in a restaurant, a tea-shop or at the office. In the afternoon, tea is sometimes
served at work.
Many people live out of town, in the suburbs. When they come home, they have 
dinner,which is often a cold meal.On Sunday, they usually eat roast beef with boiled 
vegetables.Many people drink water during their meals. Fathers and mothers sometimes
 have coffee or tea but children do not.
Section One: Reading Comprehension ( 07 Pts)
A)    Read the text carefully and answer these questions : ( 05 Pts)
1-      How many paragraphs are there in the text ?
2-      Do people in England go home for lunch ?
3-      Where do they have tea in the afternoon ?
4-      What do they often eat for dinner ?
5-      Do all the members of the family drink water ?
B)    Lexis :
*Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following : ( 01 Pts)
city =                                                    given =
*Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following : ( 01 Pts)
hot≠                                                    small ≠
Section Two : Mastery of Language ( 7 pts )
A)    Complete the following sentences with the tag questions  : ( 03 Pts)
1)      You ate a sandwich for lunch ,………………………?
2)      The English do not have  lunch at home;…………………………?
3)      Parents sometimes drink tea , ……………………………?
B)    Complete the following table : ( 02 Pts)
Comparative  form 
Superlative  form


C/     Pronunciation circle the silent letters  in the following  words ; (2pts)
                                             Listen  / sandwich /  would //  knife 
Part Two : Integration Phase ( Written Expression ) ( 6 pts )
          Write a paragraph ( 6 to 8 lines ) describing  what you eat with your family 
during the whole day .
      ( the 3 meals : breakfast / lunch / dinner )




School: ………………………………………………….....
School year: ……. / ……….
Level: 04AM
Timing: ………
      Alexander Fleming was born in 1881 in Darvel. He was a famous British doctor.
 He discovered penicillin. In 1928, he ignored that the white substance he found
 in one of his bottles was a powerful medicine. It cured many soldiers during 
the first World War. He won the Noble Prize for medicine in 1945. 
He died in London  in 1955 .
Section One: Reading Comprehension ( 07 Pts)
A)    Read the text carefully and answer these questions : ( 03 Pts )
1)      When was Alexander born ?
2)      What was he ?
3)      Did he die in his country ?
B)    Write '' true '' or '' false '' .Correct the wrong statement : ( 02 Pts )
1)      Penicillin cured a few soldiers during the first world war .   ……………
2)      He won the Noble Prize for medicine .  ………………..
3)      He died ten years after the Nobel Prize. …………………….
4)      He discovered penicillin in 1881. ……………………..
C)    Lexis  :
   1) Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following : ( 01 Pt )
               well-known =                                                      a lot of =
     2) Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following :  ( 01 Pt )
           lost ≠                                                                   black ≠
Section Two : Mastery of Language ( 7 pts )
A)    Reorder these words alphabetically: ( 02 Pts )
Penicillin – Insulin – Aspirin – Glasses –
1)…………………   2)…………………   3)…………………   4)…………………
  B) Turn into the passive form : ( 03 Pts )
Active : Fleming discovered penicillin .
Passive: Penicillin ……………………………………………………………………………
Active : People use medicinal plants in Asia .
Passive: Medicinal plants ……………………………………………………………………..
B)    Classify these words according to their final '' ed '' ( 02 Pts )
recorded – passed – invented – discovered .
/ T /
/ D /
/ ID /

 Part Two : Integration Phase ( Written Expression ) ( 6 pts )
Fill in the gaps with one word so that the text makes sense :
      Ibn Sina ………………… a great doctor .  He was born …………………. 980 .He became very famous .People called him the …………………………of medicine . He …………………. A book . Its title was the Canon of ………………………… Finally , he ……………………. In 1037 .


Dear  Jack ,
Sorry   I was not able to attend your party last Sunday. I was quite ready to come and               just a  bout to leave when a friend of mine from Algeria on her way to America
            dropped in. She wanted to spend the night at home. The next morning, she left.               This was why I couldn't come, could I ?                                                                    Ofcourse, I tried to call, but I couldn't get through .Your number was engaged. I hope            you will understand. I know you needed my CD player, but I am sure you all had a          good time .
                                                                               Love ,

 Section One: Reading Comprehension ( 07 Pts)
  A) Read the text carefully and answer these questions : ( 03 Pts)
     1) Could Jill attend Jack's party ?
     2) Where is Jill ' s friend from ?
     3) Where did she travel ?
  B) Write '' true '' or '' false '' .Correct the wrong statement : ( 02 Pts )
     1) The text is a dialogue .    …………………….
     2) Jill is the receiver and Jack the sender .     ……………………
A)    Lexis :
1)      Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following : ( 01 Pt )
          To phone =…………………                       I wish = I  ………………..
2)      Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following : ( 01 Pt )
      Bad ………………………                      next ………………………
Section Two : Mastery of Language ( 7 pts ) .
 What do these sentences express ? ability  ?  inability  or permission ?
  1) Jack couldn't come to the party .         ( ………………………………………. )
  2) Can I dance with you ?            (…………………………………….. )
  3) Jill can sing and dance .           (……………………………………. )
B) Reorder these words alphabetically:
attend                Algeria                   about                    able
1)……………………  2) …………………… 3)…………………… 4)…………………...

C) Classify these words according to their pronunciation : ( 02 Pts)
Trip                     leave             party               need

/ i /
/ i: /

Part Two : Integration Phase ( Written Expression ) ( 6 pts )
     Write a letter of apology to a friend of yours .Include an explanation on why you are / were
not able to attend the party ( birthday , wedding ………).
     Use : could / can ; couldn't / can't or able to . ( from 6 to 8 lines ) .


Level: 04AM
First Term English Examination

          A poor young fisherman went out in his boat every evening, and threw 
his net into the sea . One evening , the net was very heavy. He laughed and said :
 '' Perhaps I have caught all the fish in the sea'' . He pulled and pulled .The net
 came nearer to the boat .At last it was on the surface of the water .
          There was no fish in , but a beautiful mermaid . Her hair was yellow as gold .
 Her body was like silver and pearl . She was extremely nice. He took her in his arms .
When he touched her, she cried. She opened her blue eyes and tried to escape, 
but she couldn't .She began to weep, ''Please let me go '' she said .''I ' m 
the daughter of the king ; my father is very old and alone ''………..
Section One: Reading Comprehension ( 07 Pts)
     A) Read the text carefully and answer these questions :   ( 03 Pts )
        1- What did the fisherman catch ?
        2-Was it nice ?
        3- What colour was her eyes ?
     B) Write '' true '' or '' false '' . Correct the wrong sentence:    ( 03 Pts )
        1- The fisherman was old .                 ………………………….
        2- He used a line to catch fish.             …………………………
        3- The mermaid was the daughter of the king .         ……………………………….
    C) Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following :   ( 01 Pts )
        Maybe =                                                           started =    
  Section Two : Mastery of Language ( 7 pts ) .
A)    Cross the odd word out :

       B)Complete the following sentences  with the correct tag question
          1- It ' s a big fish , ………………………………………………………….
          2- My brother doesn't like fish , …………………………………………..
          3- Parents went to the sea , ………………………………………………...
      C) Classify these words according to the pronunciation of their final ( s )
           Perhaps                  eyes                        always                    boats
/ Z /
/ S /

Part Two : Integration Phase ( Written Expression ) ( 6 pts )
          Write a composition between 6 to 8 lines . Tell a short story of Djeha.


Level: 04AM
First Term English Examination
Timing: ………
My birthday will be next Thursday. I will invite all my friends for the party.
 I am sure they will all come, won't they ? Mother will make a delicious cake . 
 Its recipe is very easy. She'll take 400 grams of flour , 4 eggs , 1 litre of milk ,
 some water , 80 grams of butter , some sugar and a little oil.
First , she'll mix flour , eggs , milk and butter . Then , she'll put a little oil in a pan
 and heat it .
Next, she'll pour the mixture in the pan and cook for 45 seconds . Finally , 
she'll toss the cake once and let it for 40 seconds . It will be served with a little
 sugar and lemon juice .
 Section One: Reading Comprehension ( 07 Pts)
  A ) Read the text carefully and answer these questions : ( 02 Pts)
      1- What will mother make for the party ?
      2- How much flour does she need ?
A)    Write '' true '' or '' false '' . Correct the wrong sentence:    ( 03 Pts)
1- The birthday party will be next Tuesday.          ………………………….
2- She will pour the mixture in a plate .            ……………………………….
3- She will serve it with a little sugar and lemon juice.      …………………………….
  C )  Lexis: 
      a) Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following : ( 01 Pt)
          tasty =                                                                          certain = 
      b) Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following : ( 01 Pt)
          difficult                                                                  first
Section Two : Mastery of Language ( 7 pts ) .
A)    Complete this table: ( 02 Pts)

Bigger than
B)    classify these words according to the pronunciation of their final '' ed '' : ( 03 Pts)
finished    ended    opened    helped   enjoyed   cooked .
/ D /
/ T /
/ ID /

C)    Cross the odd word out: ( 02 Pts)
                  1-  butter / salt / cheese / milk
                  2-  oil / bread / cakes / biscuit
Part Two : Integration Phase ( Written Expression ) ( 6 pts )
      Write the instructions ( how to prepare tea )

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